Ready to FINALLY build the business of your dreams? One that is both passion-filled AND profitable? You are in the right place my friend.
What's Included?
4 Virtual Sessions
- One 2 Hour Session
- Three 1 Hour Sessions
- Total of 5 Hours of 1:1 Coaching
- Guidance Through All Resources
The Breakthrough workbook & action plan
- Physical Workbook Packed Full of Resources
- Personalized Action Plan to Help You Achieve Your Goals
- Hands On Guidance
Exclusive Access to Resources
- 50% Off Online Shop Resources
- Social Media Guide
- Digital Planner
I. Meeting one
We will take a DEEP dive into every aspect of your business. You will receive a workbook when enrolling in the program with a long list of questions for us to dive into! This meeting is two hours in length so we can fully breakdown where you are at and where you want to be.
II. Meeting Two
You get your Action Plan! I will create a personalized action plan for you and your business based on what we discussed in our first meeting. Your action plan will be designed to help you achieve the business of YOUR dreams.
III. Meeting Three & Four
These meetings are designed to be follow ups on the action plan. We will discuss how your action plan has been working, any questions you may have for me, & how you can reach your dream business through tangible actions.
Investment - $1,200
What topics are covered?
We will take a look into your work/portfolio, marketing strategy, workflow, client experience, website, pricing... you name it, we will cover it! This program is tailored to where you are at in your business so the areas you need more guidance in, we will focus on.
Do i need to be full-time in my business?
NO! One of my passions is coming alongside of entrepreneurs who desire to take their businesses full-time but have not yet been able to. If you are stuck in that side-hustle phase & would like to know how to take that leap into full-time, this program is for you!!
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes! You can choose from one of the following payment schedules:
-One Payment of $800
-Two Payments of $405
-Four Payments of $205